My Game (SAO)

My Game still has a couple of bugs that i will have to fix and i will have to make some improvements to it to make it look better by adding some trees and bushes with quick-tree and add some AI to the game to make it look more real, over the coming weeks of summer i will be making this game better and looking into Zbrush to try and boost my skills so i can go into Character Design when i leave uni.  Game.png

house design for my game idea

house design

The house design im using in my game is that similar to that of the fable games they have a couple of house designs in certain places and as my game is mainly based in a castle to start the houses will have different textures onto the buildings,  so these will be placed around the castle with some other buildings like pubs and blacksmiths.

the roofs will be different on each of the buildings to show that they are slightly different. fable houses

As shown in the picture from fable 3 most of the houses look similar and just have minor changes to them with one being like adding windows or changing the textures as said before. As fable being one of the games I took Inspiration from i have decided to go through with the way they did the buildings in the game for my game.

Research (part 1)

I have looked at several games that i’m looking into to make my game kind of like the anime, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 and Attack on Titan. These games all are created from an anime and have kept the style of anime in the game so people who watch it are able to know straight away that it is a game done by the creators of the anime, in my game I want to create a game with this anime style and have it so close to the style of the anime so if people haven’t seen the anime it is inspired by they will go and watch it. Texturing the buildings and other things in my game will be fairly difficult as it wont be as easy as just taking a picture and manipulating the image to add it to the building i will probably have to create my own image texture and add it to the building unless i’m able to find some software that will aid me in creating this it may be tricky.

Image result for Attack on titan game imagesImage result for dragon ball xenoverse 2





I will be creating just one of the floors in my game and that will be the first floor where all new players will start and able to buy items as well as level up a bit with random creatures spawning in the forest around the safe zone the castle and village.

First sketches of sword designs part 1

The big sword in the middle is the sword used by Kirito in the anime/manga that my games is based off and the others are some little designs I have created, the three I have circled are probably the ones I will carry forward and think of using in my final game design but I will require more then them as my game will be quite big, differ met types of awards will have to be designed also as there will be different types of characters in the game with different techniques, so there will be more to come 

MMORPG design idea inspired by Sword Art Online


Sword art online is a light novel series that got converted into a Anime, it is based in the near future where it focuses on Virtual Reality within virtual worlds. In the First season they are trapped in a game called Sword Art Online (SAO) where they are unable to leave the game unless they kill all 100 bosses on each of the floors. Each floor is also like a different map where there will be new creatures and new quests to do to earn experience where they can level up their characters. They are also able to team up with people and create guilds that would help each other out in the world making sure no one dies and helping each other go and take on stronger enemies so they can level up quicker. Sword Art Online has three seasons so far and has three different worlds one is a filled with knights another is filled with fairies and another is filled with soldiers who use guns and energy swords as weapons. In the game idea i have had i would like to follow these types of worlds which would maximise the amount of players it would see play each of the different maps as some people prefer guns to swords and some people will like the fantasy aspect of a game where they are able to play as fairies or other creatures so this would make sure that there would be a similar amount of people on each of the worlds.

In the worlds like in the Anime you would be able to create guilds where you would be able to play with friends and also other players online who may want to be in your guild or if you need a certain skill type or skill user that isn’t in your guild you would be able to add more people to help.

Some designs will  be coming up in the coming days for some of the features that could be in the game