Why we play games? Fun??

Why do people play games? with the games industry reaching past £91 billion in 2016 they are only going to grow but why is that?

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Games are everywhere now a days and with most people having access to smart phones like Apple and Android they are able to download games when ever and play them when ever as well as consoles and PC’s being at peoples homes the gaming industry was 1.5 times bigger then the movie industry and this could be because you are able to create and make the story in games compared to in films as you are there just sitting back watching everything happen in front of your face in films a planned story with a beginning and end but in games you are able to control part of the story making it so you are able to do certain things and the game can see what actions you take and throw things at you and see what you do after that, with films normally not being longer then 2 and a half hours too they offer a lot more time to play then watching films with games being played for thousands of hours and people not getting bored of them as there are constantly updates and new content coming to some games like GTA 5 and World of Warcraft to name two. Games let you make your own characters and make you feel like you are really in the game and makes you feel bad when you die or when you do something wrong in the game.

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Games like Skyrim that have a massive map to explore and find new items and treasure to use to go through the story and to then do side quests as well to get better items in a away boosting your character enabling to have an even fight with every enemy in the game as you progress as they will become harder to defeat as bigger and harder enemies like dragons will be seen through out the game which you will have to slay. Explorers is one of the four taxonomies of players by Richard Bartle and they are a big part of gamers as they like to explore new worlds and see what they can find like treasure, ancient weapons, Easter eggs to different games that the creators might of worked on and other items and objects and they are most likely going to be the first people to discover these items so they can talk about it to others on the game or through another site. Bartle’s taxonomy of players are a good way to see why people play games and why people believe they are ‘fun’ some people will play games like Call Of Duty and Battlefield for hundreds or thousands of hours as they like shoot em up games and they would fall under Killers in Bartle’s categories. It shows that there is a game for everyone as every game will fall into at least one of these categories with some games going into multiple of them.

Being part of the game and making th story is why people get so into games and why people play games to begin with it allows them to escape reality and be amerged in a new reality created to try and make someone happy and have fun. Games like the new God of war makes you like the characters and makes you feel attache dto them as you are making the story as you go so when you are playing as Kratos and Atreus you get to understand the characters and the bond between them as said before exploring new places is always fun too and seeimng enemies but with the God of War games it was always going to have a big followingas people will find it fun following an older version of the badass created years ago. SO to some pleayers nostalgia is a reason some people will play certain games and will find it fun that way.

Image result for god of war

Trying to achieve something in games as well is why people may play games and find it fun they want to be the first person to complete the game or be the first person to get all the achievements/ Trophies they will find it fun being the first and will probably play it for a full day plus trying to get everything depending on how long the games are. Doing this is also an achiever one of Bartles catagories. following bartles Catagories they are all main reason why people play games and why they will find it fun a link to my Bartle taxonmies of player types blog is below as it helps indicate reasons why people play games.

Taxonomies of player types: https://wordpress.com/post/mbritchford.wordpress.com/1003

Phone image: https://www.greenbot.com/article/2987637/android-apps/20-classic-games-you-can-play-on-your-android-phone.html

skyrim map image: https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=active&biw=1920&bih=888&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=1WbxWrnHMcrqUuz-nPAB&q=Skyrim+map&oq=Skyrim+map&gs_l=img.3..0l10.20059.20478.0.20758.….0…1c.1.64.img..2.2.287….0.o0bsLrP2kg4#imgdii=rsr4Qrf9yxMrZM:&imgrc=UTq1jqZgY7ogbM:&spf=1525769963611

God of War image: https://godofwar.playstation.com/

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