heritage project more research

after nearly finishing building the Ferens Art Gallery in 3ds Max I thought I would have  a look and see if I could find any more images from the 1930’s era and I managed to find some postcards from around the era we are doing the project for which is the 1930’s

this is a postcard from around the time we are making the heritage project for and I was looking at the building I chose to build and some of the parts I created from looking at the building as It is now I saw that there are some parts that wasn’t there at that time like some of the objects at the front and the railing leading into the building isn’t there either so I have re saved my project so I will be able to post the before and after picture of the changes I had to make to make sure it looks as close to as it did during the 1930’s.

Looking at this image to we will have to create some tram tracks and wires that push the tram along in our game and we will have to make sure the people in the game are wearing clothes specific to that era which was mainly smart clothes like suits and tie with waist coats and women would have different clothes for the different time of the day as they would have evening wear so they will most likely be wearing that due to us having it in a evening foggy setting.

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